I am Daniela Mcsherry, a survivor of anorexia.
When I was around 13 years old, I started engaging in disordered eating behaviors, eating less and less every day, over exercising, calorie counting, body checking, etc.
I grew up in Guatemala, where eating disorders are still a tabú. Which meant that for the longest time I suffered in silence. My parents saw me get sicker and sicker and had no idea how to help me. I saw them suffer so much, but I just couldn’t get out of this horrible illness.
About 7 years into this disease I was finally diagnosed with anorexia nervosa with purging. And soon after I got into treatment. Treatment saved my life. And because I had a second chance in life I knew I was meant to help others.
I realized that there is a lot of help out there for people suffering from eating disorders, but very little for the parents. I didn’t want anyone to go through the pain and hopelessness my parents went through. So I decided to become a life coach and specialize in helping those parents going through this.